
Dr. Ahmad Wisdom Aoude

General Dentist

Coming from a family of dentists, Dr. Ahmad Wisdom Aoude, a passionate of dentistry from a young age, completed his doctorate in dentistry at the University of Montreal. Hungry to expand his medical knowledge and dental skills, he followed a training in conscious sedation at the Multidisciplinary Dental Academy, a training in orthodontia at the International Dental Institute, an advanced Invisalign training for invisible orthodontia and other training in implantology, medical radiology, endodontics, periodontics, porcelain veneers & rehabitilation, etc. He participates continuously in local and international dental conferences, including the GP Summit of Invisalign. He is also a member of the Association of Dental Surgeons of Quebec (ACDQ), the College of Dentists of Quebec (ODQ), and the Canadian Dental Association (ADC).


Dr. Ahmad is a multidisciplinary dentist in every sense of the word. He practices general dentistry as well as Invisalign and orthodontia, implantology, dental esthetics, surgery, wisdom tooth extraction, endodontics (root canal treatments), and periodontics


Dr. Aoude has been practicing Invisalign, orthodontia, Implantology, Surgery, prosthodontics, root canal treatments and fillings for 10 years

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